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Your Ideas + Real Money = A Better City

Please submit only one ballotAll voters must be Hartford residents who are at least 10 years of age.

We will use ranked choice voting to determine this year's winner. Rank your 3 favorite projects!

VOTE (WIX internal)

I understand that to vote in the Hartford Decide$ participatory budgeting process, I must live in Hartford, CT, and be at least 10 years old. I hereby swear that I meet these requirements to vote and that I will cast only one ballot. If it is discovered that I am not eligible to vote or that I voted multiple times, I understand that my ballot(s) will not count.

Vote for your five favorite projects! You can learn more about the projects here. This year's winner will be determined using ranked choice voting

Demographic Info


This information helps us secure funding to continue Hartford Decide$ in the future. Please take a moment to complete the following questions.

Thanks for submitting!

VOTE (google forms embed)

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